My aviary birds are breeding successfully and the females are laying fertile eggs on a daily basis. I collect fresh eggs within a couple of hours of laying, clean and fumigate them, then store them in a cool room in darkness. Fertile eggs can be stored for a maximum of eight-ten days before needing incubation, the shorter this period the better the hatching rate.
I will collect and store eggs to order, therefore there is a waiting time to ensure you will receive fresh eggs in the quantity you require. The eggs are packed to withstand postage transportation, on receipt unpack the eggs carefully and store them in a cool dark place point end down for a minimum of 24-hours. This is to allow the eggs to settle and the air-sac to re-attach in the correct position. the eggs are now ready for incubation.
Incubate the eggs following the guide-lines on my information page. The result ? - beautiful chicks.
Please note that an anticipated hatch rate is around 80%, results are mainly governed by the art of correct incubation.
A small greeny/brown or blue tinged egg, sometimes lightly speckled. 12-eggs for £ 10.00 + postage.
Slightly larger than the Chinese Painted Quail egg, creamy white with very defined irregular speckles. 12-eggs for £ 10.00 + postage.
A creamy white egg with irregular brown speckles. Around the same size or slightly larger than the Japanese. 6-eggs for £ 15.00 + postage.
Chinese Painted Quail eggs compared to Japanese Quail
Chinese Painted Quail (Button Quail) Chick 1-Day Old
Japanese Quail (Coturnix Quail) Chicks
Californian Quail (Mountain Quail) Chicks