Trees & Shrubs
Acacia, Almond, Arbutus, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Blueberry, Camellia, Cottonwood, Dogwood, Elm, Fir (Balsam, Douglas, Subalpine, White), Forsythia, Fuchsia, Hawthorn, Larch, Magnolia, Mountain Ash, Pear (as long as the seeds aren't eaten), Pine (Ponderosa, Spruce, Virginia, White), Poplar, Pyracantha, Raspberry, Rose, Spruce (Black, Norway, Red, Ehite), Viburnum, White Poplar.
Bougainvillea, Grape Vine, Russian Vine.
Grasses & Herbs
Bamboo, Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme.
Ground Cover and Short Plants
Baby's Tears (Polka Dot Plant), Chickweed, Creeping Jenny, Dandelion, Marigold, Mother of Pearl, Nasturtium, Petunia, Piggyback Begonia, Sedum, Thistle, White Clover.
Indoor Plants (Safe Houseplants) and Tropical Plants
African Violet, Aluminum Plant, Bird's Nest Fern, Boston Fern, Bloodleaf, Bromeliads, Burro's Tail, Cactus (Except Pencil, Peyote, Mescaline, Candelabra), Christmas Cactus, Emerald Ripple, Flame Nettle, Gold-Fish Plant, Madagascar Jasmine, Monkey Plant, Nerve Plant.
Peacock Plant, Pepperomia, Prayer Plant, Purple Passion Plant, Spider Plant, Swedish Ivy, Wandering Jew, Wax Plant, Zebra Plant.
Plants That Are Toxic to Birds
Avacado (Pit, leaves, unripe fruit, stems)
Black Locust (Bark, leaves, seeds)
Calla Lily (All Parts)
Castor Bean (All Parts)
Christmas Cherry (All parts including tubers and unripened fruit)
Coffee Beans (IncIuding Tea Leaves, Chocolate Beans, ALL Chocolates Especially Dark)
Diffenbachia (All Parts)
Eggplant (Stem, Leaves, Sprouts. (Ripe Fruits are OK)
Elephant's ear (All Parts)
Foxglove (Entire Plant, including water from pot or vase)
Jerusalem Cherry (All Parts, including tubers, sprouts, and unripe berries)
Jimsonweed (All Parts, especially seeds and leaves)
Lily of the Valley (All Parts)
Milkweed (All parts and latex (milky juice)
Mistletoe (All Parts, especially Holly Berries)
Nightshade (Parts Parts)
Oak (All Parts)
Poinsettia (Leaves, Stem, White Sap)
Pokeweed (Roots, Leaves, Berries)
Potatoes (Stem, Leaves, Sprouts, Green Skins)
Rhododendron (Rhododendron species (Azalea)All Parts)
Tobacco (All Parts, Nicotine)
Tomatoes (Stem, Leaves, Sprouts (Ripe Fruits are OK)
Virginia creeper (Berries, Leaves
Yew (Wood, Bark, Seeds, Leaves)